Thursday, July 12, 2012

Top 10 Reasons Why You Must Wear Shoes

1.  Shoes protect your feet from germs.
Actually, although many people believe that the world is full of germs just waiting to make your bare feet fall off, this is a myth. Well, the world is full of bacteria, but most of those bacteria are perfectly harmless and some are even beneficial. The nasty germs, like Pseudomonas, actually live inside shoes and are otherwise not present on your skin. Same goes for the fungus that causes athlete’s foot (Tinea pedis). In truth, the shoe is a warm, moist, hotbed for microbial growth and is the leading cause of foot infections. Going barefoot exposes the skin of your feet to refreshing air and sunshine, which inhibit microbial growth and infection. Need proof that shoes are germ factories? Wear your shoes all day and then smell them and your feet (if you dare), then go barefoot for a day… no stinky feet. You could try the same experiment with gloves.

2.  Shoes protect your feet from injury.
Wrong again (sort of). Shoes can protect your feet from some acute injuries, but I’ve noticed that people step on nails with or without shoes. Many people fear broken glass, but broken glass is rather rare these days (“plastics make it possible”) and is actually not that dangerous anyway. While stepping blindly and forcefully on a huge shard of glass can cause a severe cut, that kind of thing is not likely to happen on the sidewalk. (Ironically, it is likely to happen while wading in a littered river, which lots of people do, barefoot). On the sidewalk, most broken glass is small and lies flat. As for nails, it turns out that it’s better to actually step on a nail barefoot than while wearing shoes. Why? Because the shoe is a hotbed for bacteria (remember that Pseudomonas?) and the likelihood of a dangerous bacterial infection skyrockets from your shoe. Lastly, while shoes may offer some protection against acute injuries, they are responsible for most of our chronic foot injuries, like bunions, Hallux valgus, hammer toe, over-pronation, fallen arches, etc. etc.

3.  Shoes give you better grip on car pedals.
I’m not aware of a study that demonstrates this declaration. In fact, a strong argument can be made that shoes reduce your grip on car pedals. The skin on your feet is well-designed for traction, you even have skin prints on your soles and toes just like you do on your fingers for improved grip. You can also hold the pedal with your toes. Shoes, on the other hand, often have slick, slippery soles (especially when wet). Flip flops are notoriously dangerous for getting caught in pedals and high heels limit your ankle’s range of motion. Experienced barefoot drivers compare driving barefoot to driving bare handed, which is also arguably safer than driving with stiff, bulky gloves. Of course, you should keep your car floors clean of debris, but you should do that whether you drive barefoot or in shoes.

4.  Shoes improve your gait.
Shoes definitely seem to change your gait, but those changes are likely not improvements to the barefoot style. The higher the heel, the more the shoe will modify your gait (alter stride length, weight distribution in your feet, which muscles are active and when, etc.).  Other shoe features will impact your gait, as well, such as the toe spring, arch supports, motion control, side panels, and so on. Probably you have heard about the barefoot running debate. There is a lot of research being done these days that indicate running barefoot is healthier than running in shoes. Logically, the same goes for walking.

5.  Shoes correct bad posture.
Again, no. Indeed, shoes create bad posture and, once again, the higher the heel, the greater the impact of the shoe. If your body was rigid, only a 1-inch heel would suffice to tip you over (and virtually every shoe has at least a 1-inch heel). You do not tip over because you make postural adjustments to remain upright. In 3-inch heels, your pelvis tilts about 15 degrees and this puts strain your back and hip joints. In heels, more of your body weight is carried by the front of your knee and this may be why women suffer from knee osteoarthritis 4x more often than men. Also in 3-inch heels, about 90% of your body weight is supported by your forefoot and the weight-distributing arches are rendered useless. Back pain, hip pain, knee pain, and foot pain can all be traced back to your shoe and bad posture.

6.  Shoes are required by health codes.
This is widely believed, but it’s another myth. Health departments regulate eateries, not their customers. The health department is concerned primarily with three things: how the restaurant stores their food, how the restaurant handles their food, and how the restaurant cooks their food. Health departments exist to protect the customer from the restaurant, not to regulate customer behavior. Health departments do not require customers to wash their hands, take a bath, brush their teeth, or wear clean clothing (or any clothing at all) in a restaurant. Nor do they require shoes.

7.  Shoes are required by OSHA.
Yes and no. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) does require footwear for some occupations, but shockingly few. Indeed, OSHA is one of the last government agencies which gives wide discretion to the business owner / manager to decide what is best for the employee (in this case, whether shoes should be required or not). And certainly, OSHA regulations pertain only to employees, never to customers.

8.  Shoes are required for reasons of liability.
Not usually. Most retail stores have nothing to fear from bare feet. A shopping mall and its stores, for example, is probably a very safe place for feet. Lawsuits from a barefoot patron due to a foot injury are exceedingly rare, and judicial victory even more rare (I found two in the past 50 years). On the other hand, 20,000 women per year go to the hospital from high-heel injuries, and lawsuits involving shoe-related falls and injuries are too numerous to count (well, there’s a lot). To my knowledge, there are no insurance riders or other requirements for customers to wear shoes for any business, not even car shops (though customers are often not allowed in a commercial garage without an escort). Bottom line, shoes are more of a liability than bare feet.

9.  My boss requires it.
Okay, that’s a valid reason if you want to keep your job, but be aware that this is a cultural reason, not a legal, physical or health reason. Shoes are unhealthy and are not required by law or health codes. Given the health benefits of going barefoot, our culture should ease up when it comes to shoe rules. If you are the boss, please let your employees work barefoot!

10. Shoes make the outfit.
Well, maybe they do sometimes. But in my opinion, bare feet go with everything!

*There are references for all my claims in The Barefoot Book. I was too lazy to pull them out again for this blog post. :)


  1. Great post Dr. Howell. On a related note:


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  2. Huh. I thought the only reason to wear shoes outside was so I could go barefoot at home and keep the carpet clean...

    1. That's the only reason I wear anything outside. Well, that and, in the summer, as a buffer from the egg-frying temperature that asphalt gets in the Arizona summer. I mostly wear "Invisible Shoes" which are basically a thin piece of rubber and a string to hold in in place on your sole.

    2. There is a new footwear product I have called Barefoot Feet and I go into the restaurants and stores and have not been kicked out yet! is them and I like them because I don't like wearing traditional shoes

    3. shoes worn for outside protect the bottom of your feet from the Asphalt jungle (city life), Try walking barefoot on a city street during winter or hot summer. Walking bearfoot if fine IF you live in a sand area..

  3. I agree with you, but unfortunately the law disagrees with #3 in many states. Not that anyone would notice, unless you got stopped for some other reason and your bare feet were then noticed.

    As for #7, while health codes may not prohibit bare feet (and how could they pose any more risk than the soles of shoes - equally dirty from the surfaces on which one has walked) many establishments have a "no shirt, no shoes, no service policy. Of course, I suppose it is their right, as much as it is my right not to spend my money there.

    1. The only state I know of to outlaw barefoot driving is Kentucky, and that may even be up for debate. It's a common myth, though.

    2. No state has a law against driving a car barefoot. Not one.

    3. It's completely legal in all 50 states to drive a car barefoot. The only state it's illegal is I think Alabama, and that only applies to motorcycles. But why would anybody want to motorcycle barefoot and risk losing a foot?

    4. It's completely legal in all 50 states to drive a car barefoot. The only state it's illegal is I think Alabama, and that only applies to motorcycles. But why would anybody want to motorcycle barefoot and risk losing a foot?

    5. most of this is common sense! you wear shoes when you want on tile (slippery), city street (harsh on the souls). driving barefoot? why not. as long as YOU feel confident in your driving who cares.

  4. Hey "homelessonwheels" - did you even read any more of this website or its links????? There are NO laws against barefoot driving in any state of the US. And there are no health codes that regulate what customers are allowed or not allowed to wear in stores or restaurants. There never were. Those signs that are on the doors of some stores saying they prohibit bare feet originated in the late 1960s when store owners were trying to keep hippies from coming in. Then they lied about why the signs were there, saying that is was a health code, when it never was.

  5. I have gotten kicked out of a health food store for not wearing shoes. They sited health code as the reason for it...

    1. Sadly they lied or were misinformed, as are many establishments has letters from every state's health department administrators and such showing they have no interest in the footwear of patrons. :)

  6. Love this Blog. My colleague Kim Cottrell, GCFP recommended your book. I'm a Feldenkrais Practitioner and just tweeted this post on my site: . I appreciate the myth busting and will feel more bold in walking barefoot. There is such an amazing difference to the sensation of barefeet versus five finger shoes. The feet have to function much more intelligently in bare feet versus with the protective sole. Yes, this action engages much better balance and use of the feet! Hopefully, there will be studies to show this soon. Let me know if you have more data/evidence. Thanks for your work! Annie

  7. Dr. Howell,
    I began part-time barefoot living within the past couple of years, and I definitely agree that in general it's more healthy (at least in the modern Western world). Even so, aren't there still a number of situations where your feet need protection?

  8. Thanks for including me amongst such a great group of bloggers. I don’t know them all either, so there’s a few names for me to check out.

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  14. So good post, I like it. Different shoes have different functions, we should choose the right shoes.

  15. As a missionary in a tropical African location, I usually live barefoot. I am currently in the US to have another baby and have had to go to a chiropractor for sciatic nerve and back issues {I'm not sure how you feel about chiropractic care. For me, it has changed my quality of life for the better and kept me from pre-term labor}. Anyway, my chiropractor does not agree with barefoot living and has said that I need supportive shoes to accommodate a shoe lift because I have one leg that is slightly shorter than the other. According to my chiropractor, the difference in my leg length has already given me arthritis in my lower back {at the young age of 29}. My question to you, Barefoot Prof, is this: Would you agree that I need some type of shoe to accommodate this shoe lift, or would you say that barefoot without the lift is still better for me? And why? If you would say that a shoe lift accommodating shoe would be best, which shoe would you recommend and why?

    1. I would recommend looking into Michael Sandler's story. He has the same problem with the unequal leg lengths and he is an avid barefoot-er and has a few books and a movie out on it.

    2. Sorry for the slow response my missionary friend, but I would agree with AnataDeLaputa. I am personal friends with Michael and I can get you in touch with him if you wish. ~ I am all for chiropractors (and podiatrists); unfortunately, many of them are simply misinformed when it comes to feet and footwear. Even in the branch of medicine that deals specifically with feet (podiatry), our cultural bias towards shoes has tremendously influenced their practice. I would recommend that contact Michael Sandler; he has real-world experience with your particular problem and is a wealth of knowledge.

  16. Well, the world is full of bacteria, but most of those bacteria are perfectly harmless and some are even beneficial.

  17. Thanks for the very nice post about shoes. And these are the very helpful tips and advises for every person who works or not.

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  20. Seriously? 1) I do agree that even by wearing shoes you can catch something, but that is only when you do not wash your shoes after sweating in them, wear same socks everyday. 2) as far as shoes causing injuries, this is true. But this is only for people not wearing the proper shoes: heels, wrong size. Some people choose style over comfort or figure, oh its only one size smaller,I can still wear it. 3)not all soles of shoes are slick/slippery 4)what if you step on something gross,like a worm or a spider(nasty)... I'm sticking with shoes.

    1. Re: worm or spider

      Not the worst thing you can put your feet on at least not in the deforested westren world. Also, is the probability of a spider falling from a tree is far greater I think. Worms: Are there any harmful worms at all in a place with good sanitation?

      All that is moot in the presence of the 'yuck' factor.

  21. also, not using arch support can cause foot injuries as well: Many flats lack internal support (like the kind you find in a sneaker). Without it, the ligaments and tendons along the bottom of your foot can overstretch and the arch can collapse, says Marlene Reid, DPM, a podiatric surgeon in Naperville, IL. This in turn can lead to the painful foot condition plantar fasciitis—a notoriously hard-to-treat burning or aching along the bottom of the foot. Poor internal support is especially problematic if you're naturally flat-footed. So if weating flats can be harmful, what do you think going barefoot is?

    1. Also, what about when it's icy outside or snow,muddy or wet. Feet being cold can cause you to get sick too. You really didnt think this through.

    2. I would have thought of the same thing a few years ago. I have been almost 98% barefoot for the last month in England, and nothing nasty has happened to me. In fact the one winter I did have a 5 day flu, I remember that I was wearing shoes most of the time. I can't speak for you, but I'm not convinced of the correlation you made. But I should say that we have mild winters here and the temperature hardly goes below zero degree Celsius. (32 F). But at colder temperatures, your feet going numb or frostbite will be the concern before flu.

      Anyway, I think what matters more is good immunity from diet and exercise. I tend to walk fast or run more when I'm barefoot. Especially in winter you need to keep 'em working! I'd think it's always what you are made of, that matters rather than what's outside, well most of the time at least.

      I wouldn't generally dare more than a few minutes during snow, although I have ran a mile of snow barefoot once.

    3. One thing I'm sceptical about in the analysis of those people is whether they consider the foot to something so full of life that becomes nearly dead or less lively almost like a brick when inside shoes, and depending on the inflexibility of the shoe, the foot experience various degrees of lack of the total mobility that feet were supposed to have. It's more of a case of just 'use it or lose it'. Flats by themselves do not help, if these flats are tight fitting or if people don't lose the habits they are used to while wearing heavily arch supported shoes. Going purely barefoot at least for a few minutes in safe but natural environments everyday, letting your foot dance and play might help even when you are back in shoes. Mind body techniques like Alexander and Feldenkrais also does, by increasing your awareness.

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  24. I work in the construction industry and we have to wear boots. What would you recommend? Insoles or a certain kind of boot?

  25. Daniel, I just saw this post Tweeted and was glad to run across it. Great stuff and all true! I read your wonderful book years ago and have it for sale to my clients at my posture therapy clinic ( I recommend barefoot or very minimal shoes for all my clients for musculoskeletal health reasons and your book is a great resource for clients to learn more. Thanks for spreading the word about the benefits of barefeet and harmful affects of shoes.

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  27. So is walking barefoot bad for you in any way? 小王子

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  31. Dear Dr. Howell,
    I have been barefoot for the past 2 years. I had a back problem, and all Doctors I went to, advised an operation, or living on pain pills, both I was not about to do. I read about barefoot living, and started walking bare feet every where, other then work. I am now free of pain, and feeling 100 times better then ever before. I started my own blog to try and teach this society we live in, that bare feet are better then shoes.
    Your blog here is very informative and help people understand how much myth is associated with bare feet.
    Thank you for sharing.


  32. I knew the Foot wears should be used in the Industries , but i never knew they have the top 10 reasons . Thanks for the Nice Blog !!!!


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  33. Thank you for sharing this awesome tips and guide on wearing shoes. I will bookmark and share this to my friends for them to have an idea. Thanks!


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  39. I just came across this blog while trying to figure out what to wear on my feet while home all day on tile with my kiddos. I love being barefoot, but my husband thinks it could be harmful and make my back pain worse...recommendations? My heels are definitely feeling sore by the end of the day. Thanks!!

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  42. Keep spreading the word !

    I started going barefoot after reading that the spider vein I saw on my ankle was caused by shoes and got the idea to see if I could adapt to barefoot. I totally adapted to going barefoot much much more than I thought might happen. I never actually needed shoes all those years I wore them. That old thinking process and awareness of "I am barefoot" like its a problem is gone and been replaced with the opposite "this sucks I got shoes on" during the rare occasion I do wear them.

    For beginners I would add that I really broke the shoe habit when I started keeping them in the car trunk just in case I really needed them instead of in the house.

    I also think its cool how now I can do all terrain and all kinds of activities barefoot so easily and other people can't. Again I never really knew I could.

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  48. Slip - Too little friction or traction between feet (footwear) & walking / working surface, resulting in loss of balance

    – Foot or lower leg hits object & upper body continues moving, resulting in loss of balance
    – Stepping down to lower surface & losing balance

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  50. Huh. I thought the only reason to wear shoes outside was so I could go barefoot at home and keep the carpet clean
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  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. This is completely moronic. Just because you don't like to wear shoes doesn't mean you should just make up nonsense. Like 8 of these are a complete joke. Go get yourself a brain before you post junk like this, please. Relaying false facts just embarrasses yourself.

  54. Actually I don't want to wear shoes at all. My foot is always sweaty as the summer is around. But recently I've found it be necessary to take my shoes with me all the time I go out, especially for my boss. He love wearing a red or pink shoes at his office room and he request all of the staffs follow him because of profession - as he said. So can we add one more reason for it - professional looking :)

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  56. Barefoot people are gross. Wear sandals at least.

    1. Are you serious/ Why do you think barefoot people are gross?

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  59. A month ago I walked into my school cafeteria with bare feet within seconds I was confronted and told I had to leave the premise immediately because bare feet weren't allowed. I felt slightly put off by the matter for couple days before I completely forgot about it. Until a few weeks later. My friends and I were out enjoying the first hot day of the year we walked into the local grocery store and within sixty seconds I was told that if I was going to shop there I would have to come back with shoes on. Now I know feet can be pretty gross and that my mother would've cringed to see me out like that without shoes on, but it still really bugs me. I mean as far as I know feet aren't indecent, and according to this article, its not unsafe to walk with bare feet. I enjoy just using my feet to get around I have something called DCD (developmental coordination disorder) Which basically means my nerves and my brain have communication issues so i'm a total klutz. Having direct contact between my feet and the floor goes a long was. So being told i,m not allowed to go bare in public places like school feels wrong, I think I should be allowed to forgo shoes if I am truly harming no one by going bare foot. Am I being silly and over dramatic or is there some merit to my point?

  60. Hi, I am in the Army and I do construction work. Barefoot is not possible for me. Is there anything I can do with my boots to make it more barefoot friendly?


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  68. I’m not aware of a study that demonstrates this declaration. In fact, a strong argument can be made that shoes reduce your grip on car pedals. The skin on your feet is well-designed for traction, you even have skin prints on your soles and toes just like you do on your fingers for improved grip. You can also hold the pedal with your toes.

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  70. Did you ever think that paying customers that are eating do f need to see your gross dirty feet. Be a hippie on your own time on the beach or forest. Have some respect for people trying to eat in piece. And stop thinking of any liberal reason to complain about. You're not the only people in the world. So selfish and vain!

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