Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Barefoot Running Injury?

I may be suffering from my first bf running injury since I started running bf in 2007. I just got back from a short 3-mile run. Throughout most of the run - and even more now - my tibialis anterior muscle on the right leg is killing me (well, it hurts). The left leg is fine.

This has never happened to me before, but I've run less this summer than in the past 3-4 years (ironically because my book has kept me so busy). I'm training for a 10-mile race in September, so I can't take too much time off. :-( Oh, well... push through it? Erghh.


  1. Ack, Shin Splints! ;)

    I had a problem with that muscle on a recent long hike and run in Vibrams (no, they're not exactly the same). It was fine by the next day...

  2. Injuries can happen to you regardless of whether you are barefoot or not. I usually advise you to add a little care, but this only works after the first injury (

  3. It really is. Walking barefoot requires more caution. But if the injury still occurred, I advise you to use herbal medicine to reduce pain and inflammation. Try to click the link to see the list of cannabis products. I prefer to use CBD oil as it is effective and safe for the body. I like to be on the same wavelength with nature.

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